Saturday, September 12, 2009

Campaign Tracking with GA

I try to encourage merchants to use GA as a tool to measure their own efforts rather than just a way to view the behavior of people who "happen" to view their shops.

Here's one way to take charge - use Google's ad campaign tracking tools.

You have probably noticed how 1KM and Etsy add information to the URLs of your products that show where people found them from within the site. You can add similar information to the URLs you use when you create links to your shop that you place on your blog or website, in e-mail newsletters, Project Wonderful ads, etc.

If you use Google's specific method for adding information to your URLs, Google Analytics will pull the information from your ad campaigns and organize it so you can focus on it, make adjustments, and measure the results.

I've put together a Google Presentation that explains more about how to put together an ad campaign that will give you hard data you can use to improve your efforts.

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